Ashley Quinto Powell
Ashley has been in technical consulting sales for 10 years, and is the Business Development Manager for Bendyworks in Madison, WI. When not at Bendyworks, she can be found at home- painting, crafting, cooking and toddler-wrangling.

Let's Solve the Diversity Problem in Tech through Mentorship
Ben Felda
I am a software developer specializing in web technologies, and a graphic artist who loves experimenting with new ideas. I have a long history teaching in the technology arena and designing courses that inspire curiosity. My personal website is www.benfelda.com, showcasing my artwork, and other projects I have been working on.

Graphic Effects with Native SVG Filters
Benjamin Day
Benjamin Day is a consultant and trainer specializing in software best practices using Scrum with Microsoft’s ALM tools. Ben’s main areas of emphasis include Team Foundation Server, Scrum, software testing, and software architecture. He is a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP, a certified Scrum trainer via Scrum.org, and a speaker at conferences such as TechEd and VSLive. When not developing software, Ben’s been known to go running and sea kayaking in order to balance out his love of cheese, cured meats, and champagne. His online courses are available at http://www.pluralsight.com. He can be contacted via http://www.benday.com.

Role-Based Security Stinks: How to Implement Better Authorization in ASP.NET & WebAPI
Blake Niemyjski
Blake Niemyjski is a full time open source software architect and private pilot. Since the late 90’s, Blake's curiosity has been focused around developing software that helps the masses. As a hobbyist developer turned student and professional, Blake's passion is to further his knowledge and create technologies for the future.
Exception Driven Development
Dan Gartner
Dan Gartner is a Developer Technology Specialist at Microsoft, focused on helping customers be successful through continuous improvement on the Microsoft development platform. He has spoken at events such as Chicago Code Camp, MKE.NET, That Conference, etc.

Zero to Continuous Delivery in an Hour with Visual Studio Team Services
Dan Piessens
Having over 15 years of experience in the software industry, Daniel Piessens has built world class enterprise applications in the transportation, insurance, and healthcare industries. He was a Microsoft Patterns and Practices Champion and is regular adviser to Microsoft on DevOps related topics. Dan speaks regularly at conferences such as Agile and DevOps Days, but also enjoys the local user group. After 4 years in the Agile and DevOps consulting space, Dan recently returned to the product world as VP of Product Development for Tricast. When he's not geeking out, you can find him spending time with wife and three children.

Command your environments with ChatOps... /deploy!
David Berry
I'm a Solutions Architect with over 20 years of experience in building software systems. I started out as a Java developer and then switched to .NET in 2003. I've also done significant work with SQL Server and Oracle. I'm a Pluralsight author and I have presented talks at That Conference, Iowa Code Camp, Twin Cities Code Camp, Fox Valley .NET Users Group and the Cedar Rapids .NET Users Group.
In addition to my Pluralsight coursework and speaking experience, I've done lots of work in helping to mentor others in how to design and build better software systems. I try to bring a pragmatic approach to everything I do, making sure the software I build is simple, understandable and balances responsibilities between different components of the system. When speaking or teaching, I emphasize real world scenarios encountered by developers every day and show how to solve them so you can be more effective at what you do.

What Every Developer Should Know About SQL Server Performance
David Pine
David Pine is a Microsoft Evangelist working at Centare, with a passion for learning. David is a technical blogger, whose blogs have been featured on asp.net, blogs.msdn and microsoft.com. David is active in the developer community, contributing to popular open-source projects, serving as a mentor and giving back to stackoverflow.com.
David enjoys short walks on the beach, because it is more difficult to enjoy an ice cold beer while walking. When David isn’t actively interacting with a keyboard, you can find him spending time with his wife and their three sons, Lyric, Londyn and Lennyx.

Building a “Magic Mirror”
Dustin Ewers
Dustin Ewers is a web and mobile developer in Madison, WI who primarily works with ASP.NET MVC. Dustin has been building software for the web since 2006. He blogs about technology at https://www.dustinewers.com/. Follow him on Twitter at @DustinJEwers

Taming the JavaScript Dragon with TypeScript
Greg Levenhagen
Greg Levenhagen is a Microsoft MVP in Windows Development and principal software engineer consultant with Skyline Technologies. He has a great passion for giving back to the community and teaching. A true enthusiast of computer science, with passions and interests including mobile, UX, architecture, parallel, testing, agile, 3D/games, cloud, languages and much more. Greg speaks at conferences like ThatConference, CodeMash, Code PaLOUsa, TechBash, VSLive, KCDC and DevLink. He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer, board member of ThatConference, president of the Northeast WI Developers User Group / Northeast WI Code Camp / Milwaukee Code Camp, cofounder of the Northeast WI Agile User’s Group, INETA speaker, IEEE and ACM member and a PhD student. Along with being a life-long geek, Greg enjoys golfing, football, woodworking, philosophy and stimulating conversation.

The Future with Augmented and Mixed Reality
Josh Schultz
Josh is a senior consultant with Safenet Consulting, where he helps teams design, build and maintain high-quality software, through superior communication, analysis, design and delivery. His interests revolve around human factors in software development -- how effective communication is at the core of every step in the lifecycle of a software project, from requirements gathering to software architecture and design to support.
Josh likes long walks on the beach and functional programming languages.

So You Have to Work With Humans...
Kevin Remde
Sr. Technical Evangelist – Microsoft Corporation
Kevin is an engaging and highly sought-after speaker, blogger, and IT community organizer. A prolific blogger, Kevin shares his thoughts, ideas and tips on his “Full of I.T.” blog (http://aka.ms/FullOfIT). In his past outside of Microsoft, Kevin has held positions such as software engineer, information systems professional, and information systems manager. He loves sharing helpful new solutions and technologies with his IT professional peers.

Microsoft and Containers Containers Containers!
Matthew Soucoup
Matthew Soucoup is a Xamarin MVP, a principal at Code Mill Technologies, and the founder of the Madison Mobile .Net Developers group. Matt loves sharing his passion for mobile development with fellow developers and he regularly speaks at user groups and conferences throughout the nation including Xamarin Evolve, That Conference, St Louis Days of .Net and CodeMash. He has over 15 years of development experience in a variety of areas including working with C# since 2005 and focusing on mobile development since 2012. Matt blogs at http://codemilltech.com and posts random thoughts on Twitter @codemillmatt. When not behind a computer screen, Matt gardens hot peppers, rides bikes and loves Wisconsin micro-brews and cheese.

Deep into The Woods with Xamarin Forms
Paul Zolnierczyk
Paul is a software engineer with over 10 years of development experience. Currently he is a Sr. Software Engineer and Team Lead at Infinity Interactive designing and developing client solutions in Java and .NET. A two time Xamarin Certified Developer, Paul's most recent passion is spreading the word on cross-platform mobile app development with Xamarin.

An Introduction to Cross-platform Mobile Development with Xamarin
Samrat Saha
A technology enthusiast, I lead the development efforts at Laughlin Constable in Milwaukee, managing talented .NET,Open Source and Front-end dev teams. I work with both custom software and hardware and especially enjoy the zone where the distinction between the two blur and only user experience matters. Being a polyglot, I enjoy multiple platforms and languages (.NET, Java, Mobile, Python).
Be it custom BLE development for ad-hoc networked devices to using NLP to create speech based UI's to leveraging the Watson platform, I like to get my hands dirty and often spend countless hours alternating between pure frustration and unadulterated joy when something finally works.
I enjoy learning from people and when opportunity permits, to share what I have learnt with a wider audience.

Rapid prototyping using Azure Functions - A Walk on the Wild Side
Scott Addie
Scott Addie is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (Web Applications), a Microsoft MVP (Visual Studio and Development Technologies), and a .NET Solutions Architect with CUNA Mutual Group in Madison, WI. He has over a decade of experience in full-stack enterprise application development using Microsoft web technologies and JavaScript. In his spare time, Scott can be found spending time with his wife and 3 kids, attending user groups, code camps, & conferences, and blogging about ASP.NET and JavaScript at scottaddie.com.

From Legacy MVC to Modern MVC: An ASP.NET Core Migration Path
Scott Hanselman
Scott is a web developer who has been blogging at http://hanselman.com for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon. Scott has three podcasts, http://hanselminutes.com for tech talk, http://thisdeveloperslife.com on developers' lives and loves, and http://ratchetandthegeek.com for pop culture and tech media. He's written a number of books and spoken in person to almost a half million developers worldwide.

Inside Open Source Cross-Platform .NET
Dealing with Information Overload and Being More Productive
Stephen Cleary
Stephen Cleary is a Christian, husband, and father who programs software in his spare time. :)
He is a Microsoft MVP and the author of "Concurrency in C# Cookbook" (O'Reilly) as well as several MSDN articles. He's also the top answerer for async/await questions on Stack Overflow.
His work usually deals with asynchronous and multithreaded programming, but he finds any challenging subject interesting. These days he uses C#/JavaScript, but remains interested in many different languages.

Asynchronous? Parallel? Reactive? Help!
Steven Hicks
Steven Hicks is a web developer with over 15 years experience. He believes in clean, readable, and maintainable code. Steve likes to use the right tool for the right job, even if it is JavaScript.
When he isn't crushing 1s and 0s or playing with his kids, you can find him on his mountain bike in the summer and in a climbing gym in the winter.